Meeting Grantor Challenges During Catastrophic Times

This white paper articulates challenges that grantors face during catastrophic times, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, and recommends mitigating approaches to deal with problems effectively. With over $940B set aside for grants and loans in CARES act, grantor agencies have to step up their operations significantly…
Download the whitepaper here: Meeting Grantor challenges during catastrophic times
Grant Making is Financial Managment

While 26 Federal agencies award over $700B every year in Federal grants, there is still a misconception that grants management is separate from financial management. This white paper makes an argument that financial and accounting requirements must be an integral part of every grant management platform. Robust financial management is part of the grants management ecosystem…
Download the whitepaper here: Grant Making is Financial Management
Grants Management in Trump Administration

It is evident from the title, that this article could have many different meanings. One think it is talking about the impact the new Administration will have on grant programs, grant contracting, grants reporting, grants workforce or grants operations? The answer is, yes. This white paper will not only briefly opine on the speculated impact on grant programs but more specifically…
Download the whitepaper here: The Trump Administration Impact on the Federal Grants Management Business
Grants Management Maturity Index

The US Government currently spends over $700 Billion annually on various grant programs. These include everything from one-year grants, block grants, discretionary grants, and non-discretionary grants. Over a ten-year period, this represents over $7 trillion dollars of taxes payer’s money or over 20% of the Federal budget. In fact, grant-making is such a mission-critical line of business that some entities have…
Download the whitepaper here: GMMI

Client-Side PMO for Federal Government IT
Failed IT can cost the federal government billions of dollars annually. In fact, according to the non-profit Program Management Institute’s 8th Global Project Management Survey results, titled Pulse of the Profession®, government organizations waste $101 million for every $1 billion spent on projects and programs. For Federal IT projects, these failures not only represent wasted…
Download the whitepaper here: Client Side PMO Federal Government

Federal Grants Management and The DATA Act
A Synergy to benefit the American people— for increased government accountability, optimized performance, reduced waste and overhead, thereby freeing up more tax dollars for the purpose. The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014, now known commonly as the DATA Act, was enacted on May 9, 2014. The DATA Act represents the first-of-its-kind legislation that seeks to operationalize the concept of…
Download the whitepaper here: Federal Grants Management and the Data Act

Zenius IT Ecosystem Assessment
IT Ecosystem Assessments are a new breed of analysis that is essential to complement service and customer-centricity, without which it is hard for businesses to sustain and grow. Methodologies for optimizing businesses have evolved. From the early days of Deming models to contemporary Six Sigma interventions and analysis, there are both simplistic and complex approaches available for businesses of all sizes to…
Download the whitepaper here: Zenius_ITEA_Assessment

Department of Education Dashboard
The Department of Education manages large-scale applications and data management systems to collect, store, and present information related to various parts of the grants management lifecycle. The G5 application tracks and calculates grant financials, the EDFacts system captures performance data on state grants, and the suite of Risk Management Service (RMS) systems store and provides the framework for the analysis of…
Download the whitepaper here: Executive Dashboard

JCXS-A Division of DLA, Cloud Readiness Assessment
Joint Contingency and Expeditionary Services (JCXS) division of Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) provides Department-wide secure sourcing capability and ensures visibility and transparency across multiple platforms for strategic decision making. JCXS had various strategic goals, including assessing the readiness and then migrating some of their…
Download the whitepaper here: JCXS_Cloud_Readiness